Tiger - Full Movie

Tiger - Full Movie (source: YouTube.com and http://beaufort.asia/ )

To see a version with Japanese subs, go here:https://vimeo.com/57765423
To hear music, read stories and discover more go to: beaufort.asia

"During the winter season in Tokyo, two models fall in love. But when their stay extends, the relationship combusts."

Winner of the Special Jury Prize at the Pia Film Festival 2010.

Starring Rachel Blais and James McFay.
Directed by James McFay.
Cinematography by Sean Walker.
Sound by Rin Gensonido.
Soundtrack includes music by Steve Roach, College, DVAS, Cassian and Beaufort.

To buy a 2-disc set with deleted scenes, short films and a special extension soundtrack by Beaufort, featuring 5 new tracks inspired by the film, go to beaufort.bigcartel.com

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