La Liberation de Paris (1944)

La Liberation de Paris (1944)
Le Comite de Liberation du Cinema Francais

La Libération de Paris is a documentary shot by the French Resistance during the battle of Paris in August 1944.
On August 15, the French Resistance set an uprising in the capital of France then occupied by the German. On August 25, the partisan snipers received backup as the Free French 2nd Armored Division of general Leclerc enters Paris. Urban warfare ensues involving Free French Forces and the German garrison. German and Vichy loyalists are taken prisoners as general Von Choltitz surrenders to Leclerc on August 25. The US enter the city later and de Gaulle delivers a famous speech.

This movie is part of the collection: Short Format Films

Producer: Le Comite de Liberation du Cinema Francais
Production Company: le Comité de Libération du Cinéma Français
Audio/Visual: sound, black & white
Language: French
Keywords: liberation, de, paris, leclerc, FFI, resistance, von choltitz, de gaulle, france, world war II

Creative Commons license: Public Domain

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